The Gift With Purchase- Beauty Counter

jessica sarah handy cosmetics

I have a real weakness for these things called “GWP’s”. Are you with me here? You know- Gift with Purchase!?!?

Despite writing about my passion for consuming vast amounts of beauty, fashion and home wares- I am infact quite “tight” with money. My husband is possibly reading this thinking- if that’s tight I would hate to see “generous”…..

Anyhow back to the story…. I had run out of foundation, concealer, face wash, moisturiser. Put it this way- the cosmetics/skin care drawer was starting to stretch to the point where I was rubbing lip gloss into the apples of my cheeks just for a bit of colour and contemplating washing my face with diluted Morning Fresh detergent….

So here I was (I had 5 minutes- I always spend in a rush).  After the usual make-up counter consultation I select an ingenious foundation with a concealer located in the blingey top section. This is $74 dollars. I love this foundation so this is fine- I am planning to leave it at that.

Until…… “Have you tried the Dreamtone”? Response “No- I have heard it’s really good, didn’t you have it for offer with GWP last month?” “Yes we did”. I am now sampling the product on my hand. “Isn’t it velvety?” – gushes the sales assistant. “Yes, it’s nice, how much is it?” I am not buying the Dream tone I am thinking- not without a GWP.

“If you would like the Dreamtone, I can make an exception as we have one “Gift with Purchase” left – It will be $170 dollars for everything, valued at over $450.I am secretly wondering if my client card says “Will not buy without GWP”.

 Without hesitation I take the lot. I don’t even know what is in the GWP. I am feeling somewhat ill. I hope there is a bronzer in that GWP bag as I feel like the blood is running straight from my face as my card is swiped through.

“Approved” smiles the shop assistant. That’s surprising I think to myself.

I am now on a spending role. I head to the menswear buy my husband a new pair of mustard pants. I then buy my son 2 new outfits and a pair of shoes. I get out of the store.

I get in the car and open the elusive GWP worth an apparent $225 dollars. This better be good.

I open up the gaudy complimentary GWP bag (why are these bags always horrific, this one is red satin with an imprint of a rose- very 1985). I pull out an Anti-stress moisturising cream- thank god I am feeling this is necessary at this point in time.

 I get home and flick through the other products. I am impressed-somewhat. On one hand I highly doubt these 3 ml samples are worth $225.00. On the other hand I admire their pretty bottles as I proudly sit them on the aptly named vanity.

Gift with Purchasemy beauty retail weakness.

A question of Vanity……


I have recently questioned my site, is it just shamelessly glorifying vanity? perhaps, but aren’t we all a bit vain???

I am so vain and I think this song is about me???? Yes that sounds about right too, I am vain, full stop. In the dictionary vain is generally described as; a person that is overly concerned about their abilities, appearance and personal attributes.

I can definitely relate to the first two, ability and appearance– However for the point of the blog I will delve into the latter, appearance.Appearance is  how we appear ; to be more in depth- how we look, how we dress, how we put on outfit together, the desire to paint our lashes every morning apart from perhaps lazy Sundays (and that has to be a very lazy Sunday for me!!!)

I can pin point my vanity obsession  from early on, I was an ugly duckling adolescent- skinny, flat chested, bad skin with heavy braces too match (no invisaline for me!!) and to top it off completely gawky, put it this way I showed my husband a photo of me at about the age of 13 and he didn’t know who it was. Appearance can affects us dramatically and that is the truth of modern day society- in my 30 years I have been told in relation to my appearance the following and possibly more….. fat, skinny, anorexic, pretty, stunning, attractive, beautiful, ugly, natural, fake, exotic, plain, sexy, daggy, photogenic, weird looking, elegant and gawky. How do I feel about these labels? well most of the time I choose to remember the positive comments however as anyone would know that suffers from even a mild case of Ugly Duckling Syndrome your past can still be haunting.

However, what I can tell you about my Vanity is that although I am overly concerned about my appearance (do these pants really work with these shoes, photograph me on my best side…) I am not particularly concerned about what others think and I don’t choose friends on their vanity beliefs, of course I love a compliment but deep down the only one I need to impress is myself. When it comes to vanity impress yourself and that’s what matters because you will never impress everyone and why would you want to? I chose to wear what I want, embrace my small chest and thin frame and embrace a gawky face that I finally grew into after I got my wretched braces removed.

Valuing your appearance , doesn’t make you a bad person or even a shallow person, its just like any other interest; something you enjoy doing and I enjoy “doing appearance” , its fun I love expensive fashions and  playing around with different make up looks (it’s not a sin). Appearance can be changed on a daily occurrence , you can swipe  a bright red lipstick on and look/feel a million dollars in a minute (maybe 5 if you do liner, lipstick and gloss). Fashion is the same, you can create any identity with fashion even if it is only for a day and then the next day you can create an entirely new appearance all over again. Fashion and Make-up can determine your character are you quirky, arty, stylish, hipster,glamorous? Well I guess that’s up to you, and what you pull out of the wardrobe tomorrow, because at the end of the day we can be anything we choose and that is a powerful thing. Now what am I wearing tomorrow?????

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